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Okapi female at San Diego Zoo. | |
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The markings of the stripes are highly characteristic for each individual animal. It can thus be identified. | |
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Female okapi at San Diego Zoo. | |
General Gestational Data The length of pregnancy was determined by Schwarzenberger et al. (1993) with the use of fecal pregnanediol measurements. In three animals, it was 423, 424, and 431 days, respectively. Okapis have singleton pregnancies - twins must be exceedingly uncommon. Newborns have a weight around 16 kg. Rabb (1978) reported the births of four okapis weighing between 32 and 43 lbs. (13-19 kg.). Raphael (1988) reported the weight of 18.5 kg in a male neonate. Gijzen (1958) gave weights in Africa of between 20-24 kg. Loskutoff et al. (1988) described the internal access to the bicornuate uterus of okapi and giraffe by instrumentation. In that investigation they determined the length of the uterus, number of caruncles and considered the feasibility of interspecific embryo transfer. Since then, I have had the opportunity of studying one uterus of an adult okapi that died from pneumonia, nonpregnant. The horns had 48 caruncles of varying sizes. |
Implantation 4)
General Characterization of the Placenta
The only reported implanted placentation is the note on a pregnant uterus
by Naaktgeboren (1966). The length of pregnancy of that female was about
6 months and he remarked that the uterus resembled the gestational uterus
of a cow. The fetus lay in the right uterine horn, which was also the
side of the corpus luteum (28 x 35 mm). The gravid horn was 50 cm in width
and 112 cm in length; the left horn was 23 cm wide and 56 cm long. The
right horn contained 31 cotyledons, the left had 16. He was unable to
identify areolae, even though he had observed them in giraffes. Naaktgeboren
was emphatic about the pigmentation of the chorion in this placenta, which
was not melanin. Small verrucae with keratinization were present on the
amnionic surface and on the umbilical cord. There were no hippomanes. The okapi has a polycotyledonary, epitheliochorial placenta. In general, the villous structure is similar to that of other bovid species. In contrast to the giraffe, there are many more binucleate cells in the villous epithelium. They are especially concentrated on the tips of the villi. Fetal villous capillaries often bulge into the trophoblastic cover. In between the cotyledons, the trophoblastic epithelium is multilayered. Several of the placentas I examined had brown pigment in the trophoblast below the chorionic plate, as was stated earlier. Naaktgeboren (1966) was unable to identify areolae. |
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Tips of several villi where they dissociated from caruncle. Numerous binucleate cells are in the trophoblast. | |
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Tip of villus with binucleate cell at arrow and interdigitating fetal capillaries. | |
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Surface of okapi villus with binucleate cells at arrows. Note the fetal vessels, some capillaries indent the trophoblast. | |
Umbilical cord One umbilical cord that I measured was 30 cm long. Nouvel (1958) reported that the cord was 20 cm long in his specimen and had ruptured near the umbilicus. There are four vessels and an allantoic duct in the cord; the cord is not spiraled (Naaktgeboren, 1966). At 6 months gestation, the cord was 13.5 cm long. Gijzen & Mortelmans (1962) determined a cord length of 25 cm with a neonate of 18 kg, and 21 cm with a 25 kg animal. Foci of squamous metaplasia (verrucae) are on the surface. |
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Inflammation in umbilical cord of neonate who died in two days. | |
Uteroplacental circulation This has not been studied. 8) Extraplacental membranes |
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Membrane between the cotyledons and overlying the areolae. | |
is no decidua capsularis. The thin amnion has a flat layer of squamous epithelium
with many small foci of squamous metaplasia. Naaktgeboren (1966) and I have
not observed any hippomanes. There is a large allantoic sac. Vitelline remnants
do not occur in the term placenta.
Trophoblast external to barrier 10)
Endometrium 11)
Various features 12)
Endocrinology |
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Neonatal ovary of two-day-old okapi. In contrast to the ovaries of giraffe neonates, there is no follicular stimulation at all. The gonad is packed with primordial ova. | |
Genetics The okapi chromosome number is 44, 45, or 46 in different animals (Ulbrich & Schmitt, 1969; Hösli & Lang, 1970; Koulisher, 1978). The fact that so many animals with 2n=45 have been identified, suggested that this karyotype may also exist in the wild (Benirschke et al., 1983). This has been established with certainty from the study of a wild-caught male (Petit & de Meurichy, 1986). Fusion of the acrocentric elements #8 and #21 from such a progenitor stock with 2n=46 is likely to have taken place in Zaire. It has now been verified in a specimen from Zaire by special banding techniques (Petit & de Meurichy, 1986). Moreover, Vermeesch et al. (1996) identified a specimen with a further reduction of chromosome number to 2n=44. They compared the fusion events with giraffes and also with the nilgai antelope. Although numerically, the nilgai antelope is similar, some specific karyotypic differences exist from the okapi karyotype (Benirschke et al., 1983; Vermeesch et al., 1996). It is desirable that more detailed comparisons are made in the future between these two species' chromosomes. A study of nilgai chromosomes was compared with that of cattle (Gallagher et al., 1998), but not with giraffidae. The giraffes, on the other hand, have only 30 chromosomes. Hybrids of okapis with other species are not known. De Bois et al. (1990) analyzed mortality with respect to parental relationship. They found a somewhat higher neonatal mortality in newborns when inbreeding coefficients were high and suggested some degree of "inbreeding depression" to be a possible cause.
14) Immunology No studies are known to me. 15)
Pathological features Zwart et al. (1971) identified cowpox infection in five okapis with typical skin lesions. It ahd occurred at other zoos as well. One animal died, the others healed spontaneously with small scars. The origin of the virus was not elucidated. Lang (1956) observed intestinal infection with Oesophagostomum, Trichostrongylus and Haemonchus spp. Many other reports of parasitic infections exist. Benirschke summarized the published information on okapi pathology in 1978a. Until then, many cases of rectal prolapse and/or rectal "stenosis" had been observed. This malady was identified as being secondary to the excessive licking of dams, with injury to the anal region. It resulted in proctitis and peritonitis. Modification of enclosures and avoidance of boredom has eliminated this pathology. This disease was further described by Griner (1983), who also reported death from nephritis in an okapi. Raphael (1988) found the neonatal dermatitis and hyperthermia of a male neonate to respond dramatically to a transfusion of blood from another okapi. |
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Neonatal uterus shows very minimal evidence of glands and caruncles, contrary to the giraffe. It also has much pigment (not hemosiderin) deposition in the endometrium. | |
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Higher magnification of neonatal endometrium with pigment at arrows. | |
In two adult okapi females I have identified marked chronic inflammation of the endometrium, most striking in the caruncles that may have been responsible for some relative infertility. Numerous plasma cells infiltrated the caruncles but no organisms were seen. | |
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Endometrium of okapi with chronic endometritis, mostly confined to caruncle. | |
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Surface of caruncle 11 days following abortion. The surface is covered with exudate, fibrin and there is necrosis of the surface of the caruncle. | |
Physiologic data Since this animal is a browser, living in dense forest, the types of vegetation consumed have been of interest. Gijzen's monograph (1959) provides a good list of plants consumed. Rüedi et al. (1984) provided information on the collection of semen from okapis. Rabb (1978) provided hematologic and chemical data. Lang (1956) described the maintenance of okapis at Epulu, the rapid "domestication" of the animals, their ability to jump a 1.1 m high fences, and the adoption of young by non-lactating females. 17)
Other resources 18)
Other remarks - What additional Information is needed? Acknowledgement
Benirschke, K.: General survey of okapi pathology. Acta Zool. Pathol. Antv. 71:63-78, 1978a. Benirschke, K.: Concluding remarks on the desirability of collecting normative data on okapi. Acta Zool. Pathol. Antv. 71:131-134, 1978b. Benirschke, K. and Hagey, L.R.: Should the okapi be listed as a giraffid species? Zool. Garten 76:197-198, 2006. Benirschke, K., Kumamoto, A.T., Cousin, E.F.H.M. and de Boer, L.E.M.: Further observations on the chromosome of the okapi. (Okapia johnstoni) 25th Intern. Sympos. Erkrank. Zootiere, Vienna, 1983. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin. Pp. 363-372, 1983. Bois de, H. and van Elsacker, L.: Bibliography of the okapi Okapia johnstoni - "Another 20 years later". Acta Zool. Pathol. Antv. 80:65-84, 1988. Bois de, H., Dhont, A.A. and Puijenbroeck van, B.: Effects of inbreeding on juvenile survival of the okapi Okapia johnstoni in captivity. Biol. Conserv. 54:147-155, 1990. Colbert, E.H.: The relationships of the okapi. J. Mammal. 19:47-64, 1938. Gallagher, D.S., Davis, S.K., de Donato, M. Burzlaff, J.D., Womack, J.E., Taylor, J.F. and Kumamoto, A.T.: A karyotypic analysis of the nilgai, Boselaphus tragocamelus (Artiodactyla: Bovidae). Chromosome Res. 6:505-513, 1998. Geurden, L.M.G.: Les facteurs physio-pathologiques influençant l'acclimatation de l'okapi. Bull. S.R. de Zoologie d'Anvers. # 3:1-21, 1953. Gijzen,
A.: Notice sur la reproduction de l'okapi Okapia johnstoni (Sclater)
au Jardin Zoologique d'Anvers. Bull. S.R. de Zoologie d'Anvers. # 8:1-62,
1958. Gijzen, A.: Studbook of the okapi. Acta Zool. Pathol. Antv. 68:1-47, 1977. (continued by C. Kruyfhooft). Gijzen, A. and Mortelmans, J.: Notice complémentaire sur l'okapi Okapia johnstoni (Sclater), sur sa reproduction et ses maladies au Jardin Zoologique d'Anvers. Bull. S. R. Zool. D'Anvers # 301-66, 1962. Gijzen, A. and Smet, S.: L'okapi en captivité depuis sa découverte en 1900 (description par Sclater en 1901) jusqu'au 31 décembre 1970. Un pedigree pour l'okapi (Okapia johnstoni) (Sclater, 1901). Chronique des okapis anversois. "Zoo". S.R. Zool. D'Anvers. 37:pp13, 1972. Griner, L.A.: Pathology of Zoo Animals. Zoological Society of San Diego, San Diego, California, 1983. Hamilton, W.R.: Fossil giraffes from the Miocene of Africa and a revision of the phylogeny of the Giraffoidea. Phil Trans. Roy. Soc. London B. 283(996):165-229, 1978. Hösli, P. and Lang, E.M.: A preliminary note on the chromosomes of the Giraffidae: Giraffa camelopardalis and Okapi johnstoni. Mamm. Chromos. Newsl. 11:109-110, 1070. Hradecky, P.: Placental morphology in African antelopes and giraffes. Theriogenology 20:725-734, 1983. Hradecky, P., Benirschke, K. and Stott, G.G.: Implications of the placental structure compatibility for interspecies embryo transfer. Theriogenology 28:737-746, 1987. Koulisher, L.: Mammalian chromosomes. IX. The chromosomes of a female specimen of Okapia johnstoni. Acta Zool. Pathol. Antv. 71:87-92, 1978. Lang, E.M.: Haltung und Brunst von Okapia in Epulu. Säugetierk. Mitt. IV (2):49-52, 1956. Lang, E.M.: Einige Beobachtungen an Okapia johnstoni. Acta Tropica 13:254-258, 1956. Loskutoff, N.M., Ott, J.E. and Lasley, B.L.: Urinary steroid evaluations to monitor ovarian function in exotic ungulates: I. Pregnanediol-3-glucoronide immunoreactivity in the okapi (Okapia johnstoni). Zoo Biol. 1:45-53, 1982. Loskutoff, N.M., Kasman, L.H., Raphael, B.L., Ott-Joslin, J.E. and Lasley, B.L.: Urinary steroid evaluations to monitor ovarian function in exotic ungulates: IV. Estrogen metabolism in the okapi (Okapia johnstoni). Zoo Biol. 6:213-218, 1987. Loskutoff, N.M., Raphael, B.L., Dorn, C.G., Nemec, L.A., Calle, P.P., Petric, A.M. and Kraemer, D.C.: Comparative reproductive traits of the okapi and giraffe: implications for intraspecific and intergeneric embryo transfer. Acta Zool. Pathol. Antv. 80:29-42, 1988. Naaktgeboren, C.: Notiz über einen trächtigen Uterus von Okapia johnstoni (Sclater, 1901). Z. Säugetierk. 31:171-176, 1966. Nouvel, J.: Remarques sur la fonction genital et la naissance d'un okapi. Mammalia 22:107-111, 1958. Nowak, R.M.: Walker's Mammals of the World. 6th ed. The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1999. Petit, P. and de Meurichy, W.: On the chromosomes of the okapi Okapia johnstoni. Ann. Génét. 29:232-234, 1986. Puijenbroeck v., B.: Studbook of the okapi Okapia johnstoni (Sclater). Royal Society of Antwerp, 1987. Rabb, G.B.: Birth, early behavior and clinical date on the okapi. Acta Zool. Pathol. Antv. 71:93-105, 1978. Raphael, B.L.: Neonatal illness characterized by dermatitis, hyperthermina and anemia in an okapi. Acta Zool. Pathol. Antv. 80:43-52, 1988. Rüedi, D., Küpfer, U., Matern, B., Klöppel, G. and Heldstab, A.: Semen collection in the okapi. J. Zoo Med. 15:3-4, 1984. Schwarzenberger, F., Patzl, M., Francke, R., Ochs, A., Biter, R., Schaftenaar, W. and de Meurichy, W.: Fecal progestagen evaluations to monitor the estrous cycle and pregnancy in the okapi (Okapia johnstoni). Zoo Biol. 12:549-559, 1993. Spinage, C.A.: The Book of the Giraffe. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1968. Symposium on the okapi. Acta Zool. Pathol. 71:1-134, 1978. Thenius, E. and Hofer, H.: Stammesgeschichte der Säugetiere. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1960. Ulbrich, F. and Schmitt, I.: Die chromosome von Okapia johnstoni. Acta Zool. Pathol. Antv. 49:123-124, 1969. Vandermander, A.: Apercu succinct de nos connaissances actuelles au sujet de l'okapi (Okapia johnstoni Scl.). Bull. S.R. de Zoologie d'Anvers #3: 22-46, 1953. Vermeesch, J.R., de Meurichy, W., van den Berghe, H., Marynen P. and Petit, P.: Differences in the distribution and nature of the interstitial telomeric (TTAGGG)n sequences in the chromosomes of the giraffidae, okapi (Okapia johnstoni), and giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis): evidence for ancestral telomeres at the okapi polymorphic rob(4;26) fusion site. Cytogenet. Cell Genet. 72:310-315, 1996. Zwart, P., Gispen, R. and Peters, J.C.: Cowpox in okapis Okapia johnstoni at Rotterdam zoo. Br. Vet. J. 127:20-24, 1971. |
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