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Macaca nigra (Celebes macaque or "Black ape") with neonate. | |
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Liontailed macac, Macaca silenus. | |
General Characterization of the Placenta |
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Term placenta of rhesus monkey with two lobes. Interconnecting vessels are visible. | |
Details of fetal/maternal barrier |
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Immature villus stained with "Ki-67", a cellular proliferation marker. Note that the brown-stained nuclei are beneath the syncytium. This is the cytotrophoblast, the Langhans' cells. | |
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Cross-section of umbilical cord of rhesus macac at left, and of rolled membrane at right. | |
6) Umbilical cord The umbilical cord of macacs, and so far as I know of all cercopithecids, has two arteries, one vein and perhaps an occasional remnant of allantoic duct. The blood vessels have no elastica. The cord is generally inserted on one of the two lobes, usually the larger lobe. The fetal surface vessels thence distribute over the placenta and pursue a membranous course to the secondary lobe. A central insertion upon the lobe is common, but it may also insert more laterally, even upon the membranes. A thin layer of amnionic epithelium covers the cord; there are no caruncles. Myers (1972) found only two cases (0.2%) of single umbilical artery in rhesus monkeys. This anomaly has an incidence of around 1% in human placentas. He also found occasional membranous (velamentous) insertion of the cord. Bunton (1986) described endothelial proliferations in umbilical vessels, which I have not observed. It is perhaps important to point out that the placental surface blood vessels often have an irregular configuration. That is to say, the upper (near amnion) muscular layer is thinner than the lower (toward villi), thicker wall. This eccentric appearance is solely due to "herniation" of the blood-filled lumen (under fetal cardiac load) once the amnionic fluid has been released, and thereby the counter-pressure that keeps the vessel round in utero is lost. Human and baboon umbilical cords possess an anastomosis between the two umbilical arteries. Whether this is so in rhesus placentas has not been reported, but it is likely. This so-called "Hyrtl anastomosis" (after the Viennese obstetrician who wrote a monograph on the cord) occurs in about 90% of human umbilical cords. It is located near the cord insertion on the placental surface. Houston & Hendrickx (1968) examined the umbilical cords of baboon fetuses and term placentas. They found around 85% of anastomoses in early gestations, and 70% at term. They then related the presence or absence of anastomoses to the manner of vascular distribution on the placental surface, without finding significant correlations. The "Hyrtl anastmosis" has been of interest in human gestations. Raio et al. (2001) have studied the blood flow through a variety of anastomotic types. They found that fusion (rather than an anastomosis) occurs more often in marginally inserted cords. It is our practice to make a cross section of the umbilical cord and a roll of the free membranes as shown above. The membrane roll is useful for the inspection of decidual blood vessels (when there is a decidua capsularis) and to assure patency of the vessels that connect the two lobes. In addition, inflammatory changes are easiest to identify in this roll. Because Bouin's solution makes the fixed tissue harder and less slippery, its use for the membrane roll is especially useful. Spatz (1968) gave the length of umbilical cords as measuring around 15-20 cm in rhesus monkeys, which corresponds to the measurements by v. Wagenen et al. (1965) of 20 cm. The longest umbilical cord I have measured is 30 cm in a liontailed macac. Knots had not been reported until Myers (1979) found one loose knot. In another case with tight knot this led to fetal demise. Naaktgeboren & Wagtendonk (1966) hypothesized that the encircling shown in the next pictures may lead to knots of the cord. I should point out though that this is a common feature in human gestations and that knots are rarely the result. Myers (1979) reported cord entanglement in rhesus gestation as well as cord compression during labor with fetal CNS injury. No information is available on the spiraling of cords. The next picture shows no spiraling. |
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Liontailed macac fetus in utero with cord centrally inserted on a single disk and wound about the fetal neck. | |
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Liontailed macac fetus in utero with cord centrally inserted on a single disk and wound about the fetal neck. | |
7) Uteroplacental circulation Perhaps the greatest effort has been expended on understanding the circulation of the rhesus monkey placenta. This was done primarily in an effort to better comprehend the circulation of the human placenta that is less accessible for in situ investigations. Several investigators, notably Elizabeth Ramsey in Washington, and Maurice Panigel in France have been the foremost students of this topic. Ramsey & Harris (1966) comprehensively reviewed all findings on vascular supply and circulation of rhesus and human placentas made prior to this date. When implantation of the rhesus blastocyst has been achieved, the first reaction is the formation of the endometrial epithelial plaque. Next, the capillary endometrial network is opened, to be followed by veins and then the endometrial arteries. Trophoblast invasion is less deep than in humans and "wandering cells" as seen in human decidual floors do not occur in monkeys. Next, the arterial lumens are filled by cytotrophoblastic plug that reach to the myometrial borders. This is followed by invasion of the arteriolar walls and their subsequent modification. The arteriolar lumens subsequently enlarge greatly Ramsey et al., 1979). While veins may contain some trophoblast as well, even some villi have been found within them, the walls are not modified in a manner of the change occurring in arterioles. The veins ultimately form a network around the arterioles. In rhesus monkeys there are approximately 20 arteries and 40 veins that connect the final intervillous space with the maternal circulation. In human placentas the numbers are substantially higher as was also pointed out by Gruenwald (1973). He emphasized that the endometrial arteries are initially convoluted before they enter the final straight portion that injects the blood into the intervillous space. For an understanding of the pathology that occurs in placentation, especially the development of infarcts, it is important to be cognizant that it is principally the arterial injection that is responsible for the well-being of the corresponding villous tree. When it is occluded or when uterine contraction limits the flow through these vessels, the villous tissue becomes hypoxic and may die, depending on the length of the occlusive state. I should point out that many other investigators have made similar observations (e.g., Borell, Richart, Panigel, to name a few) whose publications can be accessed from this review. Radioangiographic studies with serial x-rays and using contrast media have shown that the arterioles inject "spurts" into the intervillous space. This injection does not occur simultaneously in all vessels, rather, it is irregular and followed subsequently by unlabeled blood. This then drives the previously contrasted blood toward the chorionic plate. Here, it is dissipated peripherally and the appearance of "smoke rings" (also referred to as doughnuts) is produced in the angiographs. These studies also indicated that the vascular jets are partially controlled by uterine contractions and areas of narrowing in the arterioles. Vasomotor agents may also interact in controlling flow. Veins then diffusely drain the blood, and this is subject to uterine contractions as well (Ramsey et al., 1966). The well-known diagram that was produced by Crosby accompanies the large review of the placental circulation by Ramsey & Harris. It portrays the villous organization and blood flow and is shown next. |
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Diagram of primate placenta, with permission from E. Ramsey. | |
The fetal circulation has attracted equal attention to that of the maternal side. A single fetal arterial branch supplies a cotyledon, ramifies into a complex network and the blood is then drained through a single vein that usually emerges near the point of arterial entry. Corrosion casts of this cotyledonary vasculature have been made by Panigel (1968, Arts & Lohmann 1974, and others). Arts & Lohman (1974) used dyed polymer injections from both maternal and fetal sides under anesthesia of the rhesus monkeys. They thus showed that maternal blood (blue) enters through single arteriole in the centers of cotyledons. It then fills the intervillous space and reaches the subchorionic plate. After filling the central portion of the cotyledonary intervillous space, the blood is pushed laterally by subsequent injection mass. The arrangement of arteries and veins on the chorionic plate was the same as in human placenta - arteries crossed over the veins. They also made an important observation that is often overlooked when abnormal or twin human placentas are discussed. They found no anastomoses between the capillaries adjacent villi, let alone any of the 10-14 rhesus monkey placental cotyledons. Moreover, they were firm about their conclusion that one maternal artery corresponds to one fetal cotyledon. This artery enters the center of the cotyledon. Ramsey et al. (1979) later showed that occasionally two endometrial arterioles fuse to one and this then injects the cotyledonary blood. They also found that both uterine arteries equally share in blood supply to the placenta with slightly more perfusion to the primary placental lobe. Whether one endometrial arteriole corresponds to the perfusion of one cotyledon in human placentas has been debated extensively and is discussed by these authors. |
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Dual colored injection cast of rhesus monkey placenta. Blue=maternal spiral arterioles, entering centers of cotyledons. Red=fetal vasculature of cotyledon. From Arts & Lohman, 1974, with permission. | |
Finally I might point out that "holes" in the placenta have caused much discussion. When freshly delivered placentas are examined, the villous tissue at the base often appears to have an empty space. It is assumed that this is filled with blood in vivo and corresponds to the site of initial blood injection, the "spurt," that pushes adjacent villi aside. Arts & Lohman (1974) make extensive reference to this feature. While such holes ("small clefts" by these authors) were found in rhesus placenta by other authors, Arts & Lohman did not observe such spaces. Martin et al. (1966) did cineoradioangiography of the fetal placental perfusion and added some details of physiologic nature. Panigel (1968) produced elaborate apparatus with which to perfuse maternal and fetal vessels of single cotyledons. He followed this by electronmicroscopy and showed responsiveness of the placenta to hypoxia and pharmacologic agents. The result of many of his studies was that he pleaded for a change of the concept of a "placental barrier". All of these structures and physiologic considerations have been summarized by Ramsey and Donner (1980). This monograph also provides a wealth of literature citations.
8) Extraplacental membranes |
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Cross-section of the "free" membranes with connecting fetal blood vessel in lion-tailed macac. | |
9) Trophoblast external to barrier |
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Villous structures and extravillous trophoblastic islands in mature rhesus monkey placenta. | |
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Foci of calcification are common in late pregnancy. It is dystrophic calcification that occurs primarily in deposits of fibrinoid and "X-cells". It has no pathologic significance. | |
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Foci of calcification are common in late pregnancy. It is dystrophic calcification that occurs primarily in deposits of fibrinoid and "X-cells". It has no pathologic significance. | |
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Implantation site of mature rhesus monkey placenta. There is a large profusion of extravillous trophoblast and fibrinoid in the sparse decidua basalis. | |
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High power view of mature rhesus monkey placental villi and trophoblast. | |
10) Endometrium |
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Deciduoma development after application of "Provera" for fertility control in lion-tailed macac. | |
Following pregnancy, macacs and related simians retain the endometrial implantation site for many months as hyalinized scars. On occasion, these plaques or scars calcify. Sections of these areas are shown below. It has not been reported how this voluminous scar is ultimately resolved. Indeed, Bronson et al. (1972) identified these scars for over a year after pregnancy. |
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Post partum uterus of rhesus monkey five months after normal birth. | |
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The same placental site scar with regenerating endometrium beneath. Note the continued presence of "X-cells" (extravillous trophoblast) on top. | |
11) Various features
Pathological features |
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Two Japanese macacs on Awaji island (1987) with phocomelia. | |
Rhesus monkeys also are one of the few species with documented choriocarcinoma following pregnancy (Lindsey et al., 1969). In contrast to human gestations, however, hydatidiform moles have not been identified. The next photographs show a post partum uterus and lung with metastatic choriocarcinoma. It had the typical hemorrhagic tendency and was composed of trophoblast only. |
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Post partum choriocarcinoma in uterus and metastasis to lung in rhesus monkey. | |
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Post partum choriocarcinoma in uterus and metastasis to lung in rhesus monkey. | |
I have found abscesses in occasional placentas when the mother was febrile. Such a lesion is shown next. In the center of the abscess were gram-positive bacilli. While this specimen was not cultured, it is consistent with listeriosis. This placenta came from a pregnancy with intrauterine demise, and was associated with severe chorioamnionitis and deciduitis. In human pregnancies, such lesions would always be expected to result from maternal sepsis due to Listeria monocytogenes. Despite this uncommon observation, the most frequent finding of ascending infections that leads to chorioamnionitis and premature delivery in human gestations, is rarely described in rhesus monkeys (Myers, 1972). |
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Slightly immature placenta of macerated stillborn of liontailed macac pregnancy with abscess. Presumably this is due to listeriosis. | |
In an experimental rhesus monkey I saw a post partum "tumor" that developed between uterus and colon. It occurred three weeks following Cesarean section. While it had initially been thought to be a sarcoma, histologically trichomonads were identified to cause this large mass (Migaki et al., 1978). Its ultimate origin has remained obscure. |
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Post partum trichomonas "tumor" (reactive inflammatory lesion) in rhesus monkey. | |
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Post partum trichomonas "tumor" (reactive inflammatory lesion) in rhesus monkey. | |
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In the H&E section at left and below, the poorly stained round bodies are the organisms. Their EM and scanning features are at right. | |
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In the H&E section above and at left, the poorly stained round bodies are the organisms. Their EM and scanning features are at right. | |
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Their EM and scanning features are at left. | |
Infarcts and intervillous thromboses are relatively common in the placentas of cercopithecids. As has been detailed in the chapter on Patas monkeys, that species seems to be especially vulnerable to develop placental infarcts. Nevertheless, I have seen several placentas of rhesus monkeys, liontailed macacs, baboons, orangutans and langurs to have infarcts accompanied by the thrombotic lesions in the decidual blood vessels that caused the villous infarcts. They are very similar to human placental infarcts. It should be pointed out again that infarcts of the placenta do not truly "organize". No connective tissue or neovascularization occurs. The tissue merely atrophies and may occasionally calcify. |
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Implanted rhesus placenta with an infarcted lobe at left. MV=maternal vein in decidua basalis; MA=maternal arteriole. | |
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Infarcted placenta of Liontailed macac with thrombosis of decidual blood vessels. | |
We have had one liontailed macac neonate suffer for many years from what was clearly cerebral palsy. It was blind and had uligyria at autopsy. But the cause of the lesion remained obscure. |
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Sections of brain of Liontailed macac with uligyria. |
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Sections of brain of Liontailed macac with uligyria. |
Physiologic data
Other resources
Other remarks - What additional Information is needed?
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