Langur Presbytis (Semnopithecus) entellus Order: Primates Family: Cercopithecidae 1) General Zoological Data There are 15 species of Presbytis, according to Nowak (1999), all distributed over southern Asia. Hanuman langurs form large groups in India and in several adjacent countries. They are mostly folivorous and inhabit trees but they also walk often on the ground as well. The designation Semnopithecus is preferred by some, but Presbytis is perhaps even more frequently used as well. Nowak (1999) stated that Hanuman langurs are now endangered because of an encroaching human expansion. Many zoos have kept this species, at least for some time, but their maintenance has its challenges and the colonies have often died out. Often this can be attributed to their folivory and inadequate food supply. Gotch (1979) stated that "Hanuman" is a Hindu word for a monkey god. Presbytis refers to an old man, while entellus comes from a figure in Virgil's Aeneid. |
2) General Gestational
3) Implantation
of the available weights etc. in my material on Hanuman langur placentas. |
5) Details of fetal/maternal
barrier |
6) Umbilical cord |
7) Uteroplacental
circulation |
8) Extraplacental
membranes |
9) Trophoblast
external to barrier
10) Endometrium
11) Various features
13) Genetics Presbytis spp. all have 44 chromosomes that are very similar among the various species; an example of Presbytis senex, the purple-faced langur, is shown following the one on Hanuman langurs (Hsu & Benirschke, 1977; see also Zneimer et al., 1979; Sharma & Kakati, 1967). A number of hybrids have been alluded to, but few have lived long enough to ascertain their possible fertility (Gray, 1972), at least this is not remarked upon. Sharma & Gupta (1973) suggested an autosomal/X-chromosomal translocation to have occurred in a specimen they studied; the photograph, however, is not convincing. Banding studies of two Presbytis species and macacs were published by Ponsa et al. (1983). |
14) Immunology
16) Physiologic
Other resources
18) Other remarks - What additional
information is needed?
References Benirschke, K.: Anatomical and functional differences in the placenta of primates. Biol. Reprod. 26:29-53, 1982. Benirschke, K. and Kaufmann, P.: The Pathology of the Human Placenta, fourth edition. Springer-Verlag, NY, 2000. Benveniste, R.E. and Todaro, G.J.: Evolution of primate oncornaviruses: An endogenous virus from langurs (Presbytis spp.) with related virogene sequences in other Old World monkeys. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 74:4557-4561, 1977. Bolk, L.: Beiträge zur Affenanatomie. I. Untersuchungen am schwangeren Uterus von Semnopithecus. Morphol. Jb. 28:565-623, 1900. Burton, G.J.: Early placentation in the Dusky Leaf Monkey (Presbytis obscura). Placenta 1:187-195, 1980. David, G.F.X. and Ramaswami, L.S.: Unilateral hypoplasia of the kidney of a female langur (Presbytis entellus entellus dufresne). Folia Primatol. 5:312-315, 1967. David, G.F.X. and Ramaswami, L.S.: Studies on the menstrual cycles and other related phenomena in the langur (Presbytis entellus entellus). Fol. Primatol. 11:300-316, 1969. David, G.F.X. and Ramaswami, L.S.: Reproductive systems of the North Indian langur (Presbytis entellus entellus Dufresne). J. Morphol. 135:99-107, 1971. Ensley, P.K., Rost, T.L., Anderson, M.,
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