African River Hippopotamus
amphibius: Pygmy
hippopotamus: |
General Gestational Data
General Characterization of the Placenta Nile
hippopotamus placenta:
Pygmy hippopotamus placenta: The fetal membranes of a pygmy hippopotamus have previously been described by Teuscher (1937). I had four placentas available for study, three from term, surviving neonates and one from a neonatal death at San Diego Zoo. The male neonate that died weighed 5,430 g. Its placenta was 600 g; another placenta weighed 950 g, a fourth weighed 1,125 kg. It was 80 cm long and 0.3 cm in thickness. Its cord inserted centrally and was 100 cm long. The surface was uniformly studded with villi. The amnion had numerous areas of prominent squamous metaplasia.
Details of fetal/maternal barrier |
Umbilical cord |
Uteroplacental circulation
Extraplacental membranes |
Trophoblast external to barrier
Endometrium |
Various features 12) Endocrinology In 1975, Lang stated that he knew of no means by which pregnancy could be diagnosed in the pygmy hippopotamus other than by the absence of copulation. Graham et al. (2002a) were the first investigators to study the endocrine aspects of ovulation and pregnancy in Nile hippopotamus from fecal excretions of progesterone metabolites. They determined the cycle length to be 35.3 days, and higher progestagen levels were found during pregnancy than after ovulation. Usually, lactation prevented ovulation. Cycles during the 3rd and 4th years of life indicated that pregnancies ensued after the fourth cycle. In another study (Graham et al., 2002b) the authors examined the effect of Depo-Provera. The ovaries of the Nile hippopotamus were described as partially enclosed in a membranous bursa (Laws & Clough, 1966). They also found accessory corpora lutea in pregnancy that regressed during lactation.
Genetics |
Pathological features |
Physiologic data
Other resources 18) Other remarks - What additional Information is needed?
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