langur Pygathrix nemaeus Order:
Primates Breeding
colonies of the first species exist at the San Diego, USA, Zoo Köln,
Germany, and at Cuc Phuong National Park Endangered Primates Rescue Center,
Vietnam all species are maintained. The douc langur is one of several
species of leaf-eating monkeys with a partitioned stomach. These animals
are significantly endangered. Regarding their evolutionary relations,
see Starck (1995). |
General gestational data The length of gestation is 165-190 days, litter size is one, and the newborn weight is between 500-720 g. The maternal weight, not pregnant, is 6,785 kg. The placental weight at term gestation is 100-156 g, excluding membranes and cord. Some placentas, however, although with normal births, weigh as little as 72 g and are monodiscoid. In addition to these own data, I have received some additional data from Ulrike Streicher of animals born after 1998 at the Cuc Phuong Endangered Primate Research Center (EPRC) in Vietnam. Four male animals weighed 367, 475, 510, and 577 g respectively. An additional male of 200 g died on the second day of life because of maternal agalactia. Two females weighed 337 and 450 g, respectively. Two bilobed placentas were 130 and 133 g. In addition, a grey-shanked Douc langur placenta weighed 100g, had two disks (8 x 8 cm and 7 x 6 cm); it had a 24 cm umbilical cord and some marginal infarcts. An additional placenta received in May, 2002 from Dr. Streicher weighed 87.5 g, was bilobed (6.5 x 7.5 cm and 5 x 4 cm) with a newborn weighing 304 g. Its umbilical cord was 31 cm long, the mother weighed 5,100 g. This placenta, as others, had numerous infarcts. Another placenta of a term neonatal demise from a male fetus weighed 68.4 g (34.7 + 33.7 g). The neonate weighed 475 g and the umbilical cord was 32 cm long. The main lobe contained several infarcts. 3) Implantation This species has a two-lobed placenta with one lobe anterior, the other posterior in their simplex uterus. Indeed, the placentas of Cercopithecidae are all very similar and have been best described for the rhesus monkey and the baboon. The blastocyst attaches antimesometrially. There is no allantoic sac. Amnion development is by cavitation. Implantation is superficial, not interstitial. This is a hemochorial placenta, as that of all anthropoidea. The placentas of two related species have been described for: the proboscis monkey, Nasalis larvatus (Soma and Benirschke, 1977) and for Presbytis obscura (Burton, 1980). |
General characteristics of placenta This usually is a bilobed placenta, as is present in many Cercopithecidae. The lobes are of approximately the same size. The umbilical cord inserts on the "primary lobe". From this insertion, the fetal blood vessels ramify over the primary lobe and then course over the membranes to the secondary lobe. The placenta is slightly cotyledonary and villous, the feto-maternal "barrier" is hemomonochorial. The basal plate has superficially invasive extravillous trophoblastic cells, much like human placentas, but less extensively so. There is slight vascular infiltration by trophoblast. The decidua basalis is separated from the villous tissue and frequent focal hemorrhages. There is frequently widespread, focal minute calcification in villi and fibrinoid. As will be seen from the following picture, not all placentas have two disks. This placenta comes from a normal delivery. It weighed only 72 g, with central cord insertion and a few marginal infarcts. |
The placenta s of a closely related species, the Delacours' langur (Trachypithecus delacouri), were kindly made available by Tilo Nadler of the Cuc Phuong National Park in Vietnam. They had the same morphology, two lobes and one is depicted above.
Details of barrier structure The villi are covered with syncytium that is markedly "knotted". Prominent vascular membranes are found with fetal vessels bulging under a thinned trophoblast. |
Umbilical cord The length of the umbilical cord was 23, 24, and 30 cm respectively in three placentas measured by me, and they had few left-handed spirals. The umbilical cord of the single-disked organ shown above was 18 cm long and centrally inserted. The umbilical cord contains two arteries and one vein, which is usually located in the center between the arteries. There are no ducts. The cord inserts nearly centrally on the primary lobe. At term, each lobe weighs 50-55 g, and each measures approximately 8 x 7 x 1 cm. The "primary" lobe is usually slightly larger. |
Uteroplacental circulation No descriptions exist but it appears to be similar to that of the rhesus monkey. 8) Extraplacental membranes There is only a very thin layer of decidua capsularis that covers the chorion laeve; it contains no atrophic villi, as is the case in most simians. This contrasts with human placentas that always have atrophic villi in the free membranes, residua from the former interstitial implantation. The "bridging" fetal blood vessels (between the two lobes) are carried in the chorionic membrane. The amnion is loosely fused to the chorionic membrane. There is no allantoic or vitelline tissue. Some decidual necrosis is common here, but maternal vascular disease, as seen in human pre-eclampsia ("atherosis"), has not been found, despite the frequency of infarcts of the villous tissue. |
Trophoblast external to barrier No larger collections of extravillous trophoblast are present, as found in human placentas, but extravillous trophoblast infiltrates the superficial portion of the decidua basalis within the layer of fibrinoid. No giant cells are present in the decidua. There is focal and superficial vascular trophoblastic invasion of the decidua basalis. Often, much decidual necrosis is found in the decidua basalis, as are infarcts of the villous tissue. Also in contrast to ape and human placentation, the maternal arterioles are not significantly restructured by infiltrating extravillous trophoblast as is also the case in many cercopithecids and apes. Thus, the frequent infarcts must have a different basis than that which causes human placental infarcts in pre-eclampsia. These are due to thrombosis of the structurally altered vessels. 10) Endometrium 11) Various features 13) Genetics
Immunology No immunological studies have been described except the depletion of B-cells in a calicivirus-infected young animal (Smith et al., 1985). 15)
Pathological features |
Physiological data Blood volume and pressures have not been published. There is an extensive consideration of the food intake and folivory in a recent publication by Ademmer et al (2002) that addresses the need for long periods of sleep in this species and the susceptibility to stress. 17)
Other resources 18) Other relevant needs 19) Acknowledgment References Ademmer, C., Klumpe, K., v.Maravic, I., Königshofen and Schwitzer, C.: Nahrungsaufnahme und Hormonstatus von Kleideraffen (Pygathrix n. nemaeus Linnaeus, 1771) im Zoo. Z. Kölner Zoo 45:129-135, 2002. Bauchop, T. and Martucci, R.W.: Ruminant-like digestion of the langur monkey. Science 161:698-700, 1968. Benirschke, K. and Bogart, M: Pathology of Douc langurs (Pygathrix nemaeus) at San Diego Zoo. XX. Internatl. Symp. Erkr. Zootiere, Dvur Kralove, CSSR, June 14-18. Akademie Verlag, Berlin, pp. 257-261, 1978. Bogart M.H. and Kumamoto, A.T.: Karyotype abnormalities in two primate species, Pygathrix nemaeus and Lemur coronatus. Fol. Primatol. 30:152-160, 1978. Burton, G.J.: Early placentation in the dusky leaf monkey (Presbytis obscura). Placenta 1:187-195, 1980. Cuc Phuong National Park Endangered Primate Rescue Center, Vietnam. See: Traitel, D.A.: Building a safe haven for Douc langurs. Zoonooz (San Diego), October, pp. 10-15, 1996. Czekala, N.M., Hodges, J.K. and Lasley, B.L.: Pregnancy monitoring in diverse primate species by estrogen and bioactive luteinizing hormone determinations in small volumes of urine. J. Med. Primatol. 10:1-15, 1981. Griner, L..A.: Pathology of Zoo Animals. Zool. Soc. San Diego, pp. 366-367, 1983. Herrmann, H.-W. and Pagel, T.: Phong Nha-Ke Bang - das Regenwaldschutzprojekt des Kölner Zoos in Vietnam. Z. Kölner Zoo 43(2):79-88, 2000. {Includes reference to Vietnam breeding/rescue station.] Hick, U.: Breeding and maintenance of douc langurs at Cologne zoo. In: Martin, R.D. ed.: Breeding endangered species in captivity. Academic Press, London, pp. 223-233, 1975. Hösli, P.: Chromosomes of clothes monkey, (Pygathrix nemaeus). Schweiz. Arch. Tierh. 112:338, 1970. Hsu, T.C. and Benirschke: An Atlas of Mammalian Chromosomes. 9:Folio 450, 1975. Lippold, L. K.: The douc langur: a time for conservation. In: Rainier III and Bourne, G.H.: Primate Conservation. Academic Press, NY, pp. 513-538, 1977. Lippold, L.K.: International Douc Langur Studbook Keeper. Department of Anthropology, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA 92182-0377. Douc Press, P.O. 232344, San Diego, CA 92193. Lippold, L., Czekala, N.M., Lasley, B.L. and Benirschke, K.: Steroid monitoring of langur pregnancy. Amer. Soc. Primatol. (abstr.) Seattle, April, 1977. Mossman, H.W.: Vertebrate Fetal Membranes. MacMillan, Hound mills, UK, 1987. Pepe, G.J. and Albrecht, E.D.: Actions of placental and fetal adrenal steroid hormones in primate pregnancy. Endocr. Reviews 16:608-648, 1995. Puschmann, W.: Zootierhaltung. Säugetiere. Vol. 2. VEB Landwirtschaftsverlag Berlin, Germany, 1989. Ramsey, E.M.: The Placenta. Human and Animal. Praeger, NY, 1982. Resnik, R., Robinson, P.T., Lasley, B.L. and Benirschke, K.: Intrauterine fetal demise associated with consumption coagulopathy in a Douc langur monkey (Pygathrix nemaeus). J. Med. Primatol. 7(4):249-253, 1978. Ruempler, U.: Haltung und Zucht von Kleideraffen (Pygathrix nemaeus nemaeus Linnaeus, 1771) im Kölner Zoo. Z. des Kölner Zoo 34(2):47-65, 1991. Ruempler, U.: Husbandry and breeding of Douc langurs Pygathrix nemaeus nemaeus at Cologne Zoo. Int. Zoo Yb. 36:73-81, 1998. Smith, A.W., Skilling, D.E., Anderson, M.P. and Benirschke, K.: Isolation of primate calicivirus Pan paniscus type 1 from a Douc langur (Pygathrix nemaeus L.). J. Wildl. Dis. 21(4):426-428, 1985. Soma, H. and Benirschke, K.: Observations on the fetus and placenta of a proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus). Primates 18:277-284, 1977. Starck, D.: In: Lehrbuch der Speziellen Zoologie, Vol. II, Teil 5/1:Säugetiere, pp.574-576. Gustav Fischer, Jena, 1995. Wurster, D. and Benirschke, K.: Chromosomes of some primates. Mammal. Chromos. Newsl. 10:3, 1969. Zneimer, S., Kumamoto, A.T. and Benirschke, K.: Banding patterns of the chromosomes of two langur species. Pygathrix nemaeus and Presbytis entellus: A comparative study. Chromosome Inform. Serv. 26:19-22, 1979. |
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