(Bactrian camel, dromedary, guanaco, llama, vicuña, alpaca) Camelus bactrianus, C. dromedarius, Lama guanicoe, L. glama, L. pacos, Vicugna vicugna Order:
Artiodactyla Bactrian
camel: Adult weight is 300-690 kg; gestational length 360-440 days;
usually a single young, very rarely twins; newborn weight is 37 kg; placental
weight 4.2 kg; life expectancy is 50 years. A comprehensive and superbly illustrated review of all aspects on Camelidae has been published by Tibary (1997). I owe much information to this author, as well as some of the illustrations. Fowler (1998) has produced a comprehensive review of "Medicine and Surgery of South American Camelidae" and he has kindly provided slides of llama placentas. |
General Gestational Data
General Characterization of the Placenta |
Details of fetal/maternal barrier |
Umbilical cord |
Uteroplacental circulation
Extraplacental membranes |
Trophoblast external to barrier
Various features
Genetics |
16) Physiologic data
Other resources
Other remarks - What additional Information is needed?
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