Slender-horned gazelle at San Diego's Wild Animal Park | ||
Male and female slender-horned gazelles. | ||
Gazella leptoceros. | ||
General Gestational Data Slender-horned gazelles have a gestational length of around 165-169 days (Dittrich, 1968). Newborns weigh between 1 and 1.8 kg. The adult female of the specimen shown here, weighed 12.5 kg and died because of trauma that was sustained during a fight occurring during her gestation. The male fetus was 10 cm long and weighed 28 g. The entire specimen shown here, uterus and vagina included, weighed 105 g. There is generally only one young born; however, at San Diego's Wild Animal Park, twins were born and raised in 1971, of some 30 animals that had been produced by then. 3)
Implantation 4)
General Characterization of the Placenta |
Uterus and vagina of pregnant slenderhorned gazelle. The fetus and placenta are in the left uterine horn. | ||
The same specimen viewed from anterior. | ||
Opened uterus with female fetus (10 cm) in left horn (here seen at the right). Note the white, granular seams of the concave cotyledons. Endometrial caruncles are seen in the right horn. | ||
The same gestation with the fetus moved to expose the cotyledons. | ||
gestations were available to me for study. One was a uterus with male fetus
of 10 cm length in its placenta, and attached to the uterus. There were
40 cotyledons in four rows, as shown above. Some of these cotyledons were
fused and were thus difficult to enumerate precisely. The cotyledons had
a central dimple (concavity) and a peripheral seam of white granular material.
This white granular material did not refract with polarizing filters and
is assumed to represent the cellular debris at the edge of all cotyledons,
at the place where the intercotyledonary membrane is folded over areolae
(see histology below). The placenta is chorioepithelial in nature and not
invasive. The second placenta came from a term gestation. It weighed 70 g and had a 10 cm umbilical cord attached. It possessed 57 ellipsoid cotyledons that measured between 0.5 and 2.5 cm. The greatest dimensions of this specimen were 17 x 4 cm. As is true of all delivered placentas, the maternal intercotyledonary endometrial tissue was absent and the organ was slightly autolyzed. |
Edge of immature cotyledon attached to myometrium below. The intercotyledonary endometrium is folded and glandular. The ingrowths of villi (purple-blue centers) from chorioallantoic membrane are obvious. | ||
Details of fetal/maternal barrier During the process of implantation, the crevices of the caruncles (to be shown subsequently in the nonpregnant horn) are being infiltrated by the chorioallantoic membrane connective tissue's villous extensions and their trophoblastic covers. Subsequently, the villi come to interdigitate diffusely with the caruncles. |
This is the surface of the immature placenta with villi (having small fetal capillaries) interdigitating with reddish endometrium. | ||
The "floor" of the implantation of the cotyledon shows few endometrial glands and a markedly thickened, fibrous endometrium. The fetal villi are the structures within the spaces. There is no trophoblastic infiltration of the endometrium. | ||
Two immature villi interdigitate with endometrium (below). Note the giant nuclei of the endometrial epithelium. | ||
trophoblast that covers the villi of the slender-horned gazelle placenta
is cuboidal to columnar and has numerous microvillous projections. Because
of shrinkage artifacts, it is pulled away from the intervening endometrium
in the microphotographs shown, leaving a space that has some proteinaceous
material within it. Many trophoblast nuclei are somewhat hyperchromatic
and they are perhaps hyperdiploid, but true giant cells do not occur. There
are also typical trophoblastic binucleate cells, which are so characteristic
of so many ruminants and which are believed to produce relaxin. They are
most numerous and best developed in the tall columnar trophoblast of the
membranes that stretches between the caruncles. They overly much debris
and protein. Some of this is presumably due to the secretory activity of
the endometrial glands in those locations. This secretion is referred to
as "uterine milk". Amoroso (1961) has presented some data on the
composition of uterine milk in cow, sheep and mare. Around 10% is protein,
1.5% is lipids. The endometrium to which the villi are loosely apposed is somewhat fibrous in appearance and has a complex mixture of cells. On the surface that is exposed to trophoblast, the endometrial epithelial cells are flattened and often have hyperchromatic, enlarged nuclei. The fetal capillaries of the slightly branched villi are not numerous. They lie predominantly beneath the trophoblast, without indenting it. |
Tip of immature villus with microvillous trophoblastic surface and some giant nuclei. | ||
Two adjacent immature cotyledons are separated by a cleft that corresponds to an "areola", i.e. endometrial tissue with secretory activity. (F.V.=Fetal Vessel). | ||
Trophoblast under the chorioallantoic membrane that overlies an areola. This shows strikingly the many binucleated trophoblastic cells. The debris and secretion in the areolar cavity is obvious (below). This is probably responsible for the granular, white deposits at the edge of the cotyledons. | ||
Term, delivered placenta of a slender-horned gazelle. This specimen, of course, has no maternal septa, and consists of villi and chorion (above) only. | ||
Umbilical cord In the immature specimen described here, the umbilical cord was 5 cm long and had no twists. It contained four large blood vessels and an allantoic duct. The connective tissue adjacent to the allantoic duct had several small blood vessels, while none were found in the other regions of the umbilical cord. There were a few caruncles composed of squamous metaplasia. The term umbilical cord was 10 cm in length, also had four vessels and a small allantoic duct, but there were more numerous small and more muscular additional vessels in the cord that were not confined to the allantoic duct. The duct had taller epithelium than found in the immature specimen. |
Umbilical cord of immature specimen. Two arteries and two veins, allantoic duct (A.D.) and foci of squamous metaplasia on the surface. | ||
Allantoic duct of immature specimen with tiny allantoic blood vessels in the fibromuscular wall of the allantoic duct. | ||
The allantoic duct epithelium of a term umbilical cord is taller. | ||
Uteroplacental circulation No such studies have been conducted. 8)
Extraplacental membranes |
Focus of squamous metaplasia on amnion of the immature specimen. | ||
Trophoblast external to barrier There is no invasion of the endometrium by the trophoblast. Although some trophoblast has large, hyperchromatic nuclei, no true giant cells are present. 10) Endometrium The endometrium of pregnancy differs in the different regions of the uterus. Normal glandular tissue is present between the caruncles but, beneath the caruncles, the endometrial stroma is more fibrous and has very few glands. No true decidual cells, such as seen in primate placentas, are found. In the endometrium beneath the cotelydonary implantations, the surface epithelial cells of the endometrium are flat and have hyperchromatic nuclei. The caruncles are not shed at delivery of the placenta; the villi are merely being peeled out of the crypts. |
The non-pregnant right horn of this immature uterus had caruncles such as seen here. The cavitary nature of the caruncle is apparent. Placental villi would grow into these crevices as was shown earlier. | ||
Higher magnification of a (non-pregnant) caruncle. | ||
Various features No other remarkable features have been observed. A subplacenta does not exist. 12) Endocrinology |
The fetal testis had numerous stimulated interstitial cells. | ||
fetal testis shown above exhibits a moderate stimulation of its interstitial
cell component. This suggests that some LH-like activity occurs in utero,
but it is not necessarily derived from the placenta. I have found no endocrine
studies on slender-horned gazelles in the literature; however, some information
has been gathered on the related goitered gazelle (Sempere et al., 2001).
Prolactin and progesterone determinations were carried out in two different
environments by these investigators.
Genetics 14)
Immunology 15)
Pathological features |
Vaginal-cervical junction. Endocervix at right, vagina at left. Note the intense mucus production of endocervical glands in pregnancy. | ||
& Dolensek (1985) reported the successful blood transfusions from a
Dorcas gazelle to a 6.8 kg, two-months-old slender-horned gazelle that was
sick and anemic from intestinal parasites (Haemonchus sp.). General
laboratory data on this species were published by ISIS (1997).
Other resources 18)
Other remarks - What additional Information is needed? Acknowledgement References Amoroso,
E.C.: Placentation. Chapter 15, pp.127-311, In, Marshall's Physiology
of Reproduction, V.II, A.S. Parkes, ed. Second Edition. Little, Brown
& Co. Boston, 1961. Effron, M., Bogart, M.H., Kumamoto, A.T. and Benirschke, K.: Chromosome studies in the mammalian subfamily Antilopinae. Genetica 46:419-444, 1976. Gatesy, J., Amato, G., Vrba, E., Schaller, G. and DeSalle, R.: A cladistic analysis of mitochondrial ribosomal DNA from the Bovidae. Mol. Phyologenet. Evol. 7:303-319, 1997. Gray, A.P.: Mammalian Hybrids. A Check-list with Bibliography. 2nd edition. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux Farnham Royal, Slough, England, 1972. Griner, L.A.: Pathology of Zoo Animals. Zoological Society of San Diego, San Diego, California, 1983. Groves, C.P.: On the smaller gazelles of the genus Gazella de Blainville, 1816. Z. Säugetierk. 34:38-60, 1969. ISIS: ISIS Physiological Data Reference Values. 2:340-776, 1997. Kinde, H., Walker, R.L., Skinner, V.A., Daft, B.M. and Hughes, R.L.: Actinomycetales infections in slender-horned gazelles: Six cases (1987-1989). JAVMA 200:1719-1722, 1992. Lange, J.: Studies an Gazellenschädeln. Ein Beitrag zur Systematik der kleineren Gazellen, Gazella (De Blainville, 1816). Säugetierk. Mitt. 20:193-249, 1972. Matthee, C.A. and Davis, S.K.: Molecular insights into the evolution of the family Bovidae: A nuclear DNA perspective. Mol. Biol. Evol. 18:1220-1230, 2001. Mentis, M.T.: A review of some life history features of the large herbivores of Africa. The Lammergeyer 1-89, 1972. Newby, J.E.: Large Mammals. Chapter 18, pp 277-290, in Sahara Desert, J.L. Cloudsley-Thompson, ed. Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1984. Saleh, M.A.: The decline of gazelles in Egypt. Biol. Conserv. 39:83-95, 1987. Sempere, A.J., Brown, N., Pereladova, O.B., Bahloul, K., Lacroix, A. and Soldatova, N.: Comparative analysis of reproductive cycles in female Persian gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa subgutturosa) (Central Asia) and sand gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa marica) (Arabian Peninsula). Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 121:57-65, 2001. Stover, J. and Dolensek, E.P.: Interspecies blood transfusion: A case report. J. Zoo Anim. Med. 16:115-116, 1985. Stover, J., Jacobson, E.R., Lukas, J., Lappin, M.R. and Buergelt, C.D.: Toxoplasma gondii in a collection of nondomestic ruminants. J. Zoo Wildl. Med. 21:295-301, 1990. Thomas, W.D., Barnes, R., Crotty, M. and Jones, M.: An historical overview of selected rare ruminants in captivity. Int. Zoo Ybk. 24-25:77-99, 1986. Vassart, M., Greth, A., Durand, V. and Cribiu, E.P.: Chromosomal polymorphism in sand gazelles (Gazella subgutturosa marica). J. Hered. 84:478-481, 1993. Vassart, M., Seguela, A. and Hayes, H.: Chromosomal evolution in gazelles. J. Hered. 86:216-227, 1995a. Vassart, M., Granjon, L. and Greth, A.: Genetic study of Gazella gazella: chromosomal and allozymic data. C. R. Acad. Sci. III 318:27-33, 1995b. |
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